Meeting With Jonathan Kopp Plus Google+

July 18, 2011

For those of you who don’t know me, one of my tasks at Ketchum is to manage Ketchum’s Facebook page. (Yes, that was me shamelessly plugging Ketchum’s page. Please “like” it!) Anyway, I was in a meeting with Jonathan Kopp, Global Director of our digital media group, Ketchum Digital, and in the middle of our meeting, Jonathan’s Google+ rang. ChanMi Park, a Project Coordinator at Ketchum, joined Jonathan’s “hangout,” and I was able to capture the exchange on my phone.
The video below shows some of the new cutting-edge features of Google+ in action as well as how Jonathan truly lives in the digital space. How will these gadgets challenge the dominance of Facebook? Check out the video and let me and Jonathan know what you think.