A Modern Labour Fit to Govern

The Labour Party should not be surprised at the situation it currently finds itself in. When you have a leader that doesn’t connect with people, a strategy that people don’t understand, and policies that appeal to a minority of the electorate, then another term in opposition should have been (and was by many) expected.

But all is not lost. Although the Conservatives won a majority of MPs, they haven’t captured the mood of the country. Therefore, if Labour can do what it should have done five years ago and honestly reflect on what the Party needs to do to reconnect with voters, we could win a majority in 2020.

What will that take?

  • A fresh look at the Labour Party’s identity and a reinvention of Labour values for Britain in 2020
  • A fresh leader from the 2010 intake from outside London who has a vision for the Labour Party and the country
  • A manifesto for change that is rooted in equality of opportunity, championing aspiration, and rewarding success

Labour can win again. But the choices the membership make over the next weeks and months will dictate if the win will be in 2020, 2025, or 2030.